孕婦懷孕初期湯水 - 陳皮茯神安逸湯

Pregnancy Soup For Early Stage

During the early stages of pregnancy, most pregnant women experience morning sickness, and restlessness is a common symptom. In some pregnant women, the restlessness can worsen and lead to a decline in sleep quality. The "Chenpi Fushen Soup" has a significant soothing effect on cases of this severity.

Suitable for individuals with mild restlessness, poor sleep quality, and for consumption during the early stages of pregnancy.

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孕婦懷孕中期湯水 - 元貝螺片南棗補氣湯

Pregnancy Soup For Middle Stage

During the middle stage of pregnancy, the fetus undergoes rapid development, and the body grows quickly. Pregnant women absorb a significant amount of nutrients, especially protein, which aids in the baby's growth. In addition, the soup for pregnant women should also tonify the spleen and kidneys to supplement the essence of pregnant women. The "Japanese Dried Scallops Jujube Soup" can help enhance the energy of pregnant women and provide the maximum nourishment for the fetus.

Suitable for individuals with weak Qi and blood, pale or sallow complexion, insomnia, cold hands and feet, palpitations, and more, and for consumption during the middle stage of pregnancy.

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孕婦懷孕後期湯水 - 章魚赤小豆元貝祛濕湯

Pregnancy Soup For Later Stage

During the later stages of pregnancy, the baby's growth is stable, and this is when pregnant women need to clear fetal toxins and prevent skin problems in the baby, such as eczema. Pregnant women also need to prepare for breastfeeding during the later stages. The "Octopus Red Adzuki Beans Soup" can help eliminate fetal toxins and promote milk production for the mother.

Suitable for individuals who are easily fatigued, have a relatively strong damp-heat constitution, and for consumption during the later stages of pregnancy.

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孕婦分娩後湯水 - 何首烏黑豆養顏湯

After Pregnancy Soup / Postpartum Soup - Hair Loss

After pregnancy, many mothers start experiencing hair loss in the two to three weeks following childbirth. This "Fo-Ti Black Beans Soup" nourishes Yin and blood, supplements the liver and benefits the kidneys, promotes dark hair and beauty, and can improve postpartum hair loss issues.

Suitable for individuals looking to improve early graying of hair, experiencing postpartum hair loss, and for consumption after pregnancy.

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孕婦懷孕後期湯水 - 章魚赤小豆元貝祛濕湯

After Pregnancy Soup / Postpartum Soup - Lactation

This "Octopus Red Adzuki Beans Soup" provides rich nutrition for postpartum mothers who are breastfeeding, which not only increases milk quantity and quality but also helps boost milk supply. It is significantly beneficial for women with insufficient milk postpartum, making breast milk more abundant and ensuring babies receive adequate nutrition.

Suitable for postpartum mothers, mothers in confinement, and the whole family to consume. It is an ideal choice for breastfeeding mothers.

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*The dietary recommendations above are for general health purposes. If any concerns, please consult a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.