9 Best Ingredients and Simple Soup Recipes to Reduce Greasiness After Mid-Autumn Feasts

9 Best Ingredients and Simple Soup Recipes to Reduce Greasiness After Mid-Autumn Feasts

Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for family gatherings and big feasts filled with barbecues, mooncakes, and rich meals. While delicious, these meals can leave you feeling bloated and greasy. To help your body recover and feel lighter after all that indulgence, it's essential to choose ingredients that aid digestion and reduce greasiness. Here are nine classic ingredients to reduce greasiness and promote better digestion after a feast.

Cutting Lemon 切檸檬
  1. Winter Melon
    Winter melon is well-known for its cooling properties and ability to reduce swelling by promoting urination. It's perfect for breaking down fats and eliminating excess water, making it an ideal post-feast ingredient. A simple winter melon soup can do wonders for post-holiday recovery.

  2. Hawthorn
    Hawthorn is famous for aiding digestion, especially for fatty meats. After a heavy meal, making hawthorn tea or soup can quickly relieve bloating and help break down food.

  3. White Radish / Carrot
    Radishes are cooling, high-fiber vegetables that help clear heat and promote digestion. White radish is particularly effective at cutting through greasiness. It can be easily made into a soup or mixed with other light ingredients to provide a sense of relief after large meals.

  4. Poria (Fu Ling)
    Poria is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine for its ability to strengthen the spleen and reduce dampness. Consuming Poria after a festive meal aids digestion and detoxification, reducing feelings of heaviness.

  5. Job's Tears (Coix Seed)
    ob’s tears are excellent for removing dampness and boosting spleen function. When paired with ingredients like winter melon or Poria, it becomes a powerful soup for eliminating excess fat and water, helping the digestive system function more smoothly.

  6. Lemon
    Lemon’s acidity promotes the secretion of digestive juices, which help break down fats in the body. Drinking lemon water after a big meal not only refreshes your palate but also helps cut through the greasiness and bloating.

  7. Seaweed
    Rich in fiber, seaweed helps promote gut movement and improves digestion. A quick seaweed soup is not only light and easy to make but also a great way to relieve the post-feast grease.

  8. Sugar Cane
    Sugar cane has cooling properties and helps detoxify and reduce excess heat in the body. It's often used in soups that soothe the stomach and eliminate grease after heavy meals.

  9. Lotus Seeds
    Lotus seeds are neutral and known for calming the stomach and improving digestion. Paired with other ingredients that reduce greasiness, lotus seeds help soothe digestive discomfort while providing health benefits.

Recommended Soups

Here are a few simple soup recipes using the above ingredients to help you bounce back after your Mid-Autumn feast:

  1. Winter Melon and Job's Tears Soup
    Ingredients: Winter melon, Job's tears, pork or chicken bones
    Benefits: This soup helps clear heat, reduce swelling, and eliminate greasiness by detoxifying and reducing water retention.

  2. Hawthorn Apple Soup
    Ingredients: Hawthorn, apples, rock sugar
    Benefits: A refreshing soup that aids digestion and cuts through grease with the sour-sweet combination of hawthorn and apples.

  3. Seaweed and Tofu Soup
    Ingredients: Seaweed, tofu, goji berries
    Benefits: High in fiber, seaweed aids digestion, and tofu provides light protein, making this a simple yet effective soup for post-feast recovery.

  4. Poria and Lotus Seed Soup
    Ingredients: Poria, lotus seeds, pork ribs
    Benefits: This soup strengthens the spleen and reduces dampness, promoting better digestion and reducing heaviness.

If you'd like a convenient way to try these nourishing soups, please visit our soup collection. We have a variety of carefully curated soup packages designed to help you recover from festive indulgence!

How to Incorporate These Ingredients into Your Daily Diet?

Recovering from a big holiday meal doesn't have to be complicated. Simply incorporate these ingredients into soups or drinks to enjoy their digestive benefits while keeping your body light and healthy. Whether it's a winter melon and Job's tears soup or a simple lemon water, these nourishing ingredients will help you feel refreshed and back on track.

Simple and Delicious Ways to Relieve Greasiness

If you're feeling sluggish after your Mid-Autumn feast, try these natural ingredients to reduce greasiness and aid digestion. They're easy to find and can be quickly turned into delicious soups and drinks, helping you feel lighter and more comfortable.

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