煲湯小技巧!凍水還是熱水?Soup Cooking Tips! Cold Water or Hot Water?

Soup Cooking Tips! Cold Water or Hot Water?

When making soup with dried ingredients, have you ever wondered whether it’s better to add the ingredients with cold water or hot water? Let’s dive into it today.

Suggestion: Add Ingredients with Cold Water

Using cold water to add ingredients not only makes your soup more flavorful but also preserves more nutrients. As the water temperature gradually rises, the flavors and nutrients in the ingredients are slowly released, resulting in a richer and more nutritious soup.

Benefits of Using Cold Water for Dried Ingredient Soup:

  • Even Extraction: Heating cold water extracts the essence from the ingredients more evenly, ensuring that every spoonful of soup tastes rich and flavorful.
  • Nutrient Retention: Avoids the loss of nutrients due to sudden high temperatures, thus maintaining the nutritional value of the soup.
  • Better Flavor: As the water temperature gradually increases, the flavors from the ingredients fully infuse into the soup, making it more delicious.

Making soup is an art, and choosing the right water temperature to add your ingredients is one of the keys to creating a great soup. The next time you prepare soup with dried ingredients, try this simple trick to make your soup healthier and more delicious. You can start with our soup packets today!

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